How to Develop Industrial X-Ray Film
Things You'll Need
- Exposed X-rays
- Automatic X-ray processor
- Darkroom or processor with daylight loader
- Gloves
Machine Maintenance
Check the solutions levels inside the processor. You will have to manually lift the cover on most machines and add chemicals to their proper reservoirs. If the solution levels are too low, the films will only be partially developed.
Fill the water wash reservoirs with distilled water. Do not use tap water, as the minerals will degrade the machine's components inside the assembly and leave a white residue on the rollers.
Replace the roller rack assembly that was removed the night before at shut-down. The roller assemblies should have been removed the night before, as this practice greatly increases the life of the machine. Make sure they are firmly seated in place. Unsecured rollers will cause jumping during processing and could affect the quality of your processed X-rays.
Prepare for processing by turning on the X-ray machine and letting it warm up to proper developing temperature. Check your particular model for the amount of time this will take, but a safe estimate is about 10 to 15 minutes. Developing X-rays in cold solutions will affect the quality of the picture.
Process Films
Enter the darkroom or place your exposed x-rays into the daylight loader if you have one. Wear gloves so you are not exposed to the lead barrier contained inside some X-ray films.
Remove the exposed X-ray from the outer packet or cartridge and feed it into the roller assembly of the machine. Wait until the entire film has entered the developer before opening the door or removing your hands from the daylight loader so you do not overexpose the film and subject the patient to an additional X-ray.
Collect the fully developed X-ray from the drier end of the processor.