GE BP Cuff Sizing Information
Blood-pressure cuffs are placed around a patient's limb -- usually the upper arm or upper leg -- in order to measure systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Because some patients' limbs are significantly larger than others, General Electric manufactures a range of cuff sizes.-
Infant and Child BP Cuffs
GE makes two cuff sizes for infants and children. The infant cuff is colored orange, and is designed for use with a limb circumference between 8 and 13 cm. The children's cuff is green, and is intended for use on patients with limb circumference between 12 and 19 cm.
Adult BP Cuffs
The standard GE adult cuff, which is a navy color, can accommodate a limb circumference between 23 and 33 cm. For smaller adults with a limb circumference of 17-25 cm, GE makes a royal blue cuff.
Large Cuffs
If your arm circumference is greater than 33 cm, GE's wine-colored Large Adult cuff can accommodate up to a 40 cm limb circumference. GE also makes a cuff to be used on the thigh instead of the upper arm -- this cuff is brown and can measure BP on a limb with a circumference between 38 and 50 cm.