How to Donate Plasma and Get Paid in Austin, Texas

Plasma cannot be produced in a laboratory but is needed to treat patients during major surgeries and those suffering from hemophilia, autoimmune deficiencies, rubella, tetanus, rabies, measles and hepatitis B, among others. In Austin, Texas, you can help others by donating plasma, and get paid for it.

Things You'll Need

  • Social Security card
  • Photo ID
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      Schedule an appointment with plasma collection agencies in Austin, Texas, such as DCI Biologicals, Inc. (512-380-9226) or Biolife Plasma Services. Your first visit will take two to three hours. On your first visit, a health screening will need to be completed and will take approximately one hour. You will then fill out paperwork pertaining to your medical background and current health status. Then you will have a physical examination. Your protein and iron levels will be checked by taking a sample of blood.

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      Follow the nurse's instructions and allow her to insert a small needle in your arm. You will be seated in a comfortable reclining chair during this process. Only the plasma will be taken from you. Your white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets will be returned to you after being separated in the plasmapheresis process. Your blood is not exposed to air.

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      Stay seated after the process is complete. Do not to get up quickly, as you may feel a bit dizzy or light-headed. You will be offered a small snack after donating plasma and will then be able to collect payment.

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