How to Donate Medical Equipment in Dallas
If you are in possession of used medical equipment that might still have some value, such as an old wheelchair, walker, knee brace, or CPAP machine, you've probably wondered what you could do with it. The fact is that with health care dollars more scarce than ever, there's a possibility that somebody's life could depend on that equipment. If you're in a position to make a donation, and you live in Dallas, one option is to donate it to a nonprofit, such as MediSend International. Their mission is to refurbish old medical equipment and send it to needy facilities in developing countries.Instructions
Navigate to the MediSend International web page. Click on the "Wish List" link to determine whether any of the items you possess match the immediate needs of MediSend's international partners. Even if the equipment you plan to donate isn't on this high priority list of wanted items, MediSend may still have other uses for it which a representative will be able to determine.
Determine whether you are donating as an individual effort or as part of an organization. If you are representing an organization, and you are planning an equipment upgrade, consider donating used equipment in need of repair to MediSend's Biomedical Repair Lab, where used equipment will be repaired before being sent to hospitals in developing countries.
Contact MediSend at 214-575-5006. You will be connected to a representative who will conduct an intake, and, if you are approved as a donor, set up an appointment for you to donate your equipment. Those who wish to become regular donors may also be given access (an e-mail address and password) to MediSend's Donor Asset Management Program, which enables a schedule of regular donations to be arranged through a secure web page.