What Is an Alternative Pharmacy?
According to the National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine, alternative medicine is alternative medicine used in place of conventional medicine including herbal medicines, vitamins, minerals, natural products, dietary supplements and probiotics to support health and well-being or remedy disease. Alternative pharmacies work to offer a selection that provides options to adopt a treatment plan of alternative medicine.
Alternative medicine is controversial so the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) observes the use of alternative medicine products: if any adverse side effects are noticed, the FDA sends out warnings to manufacturers or require a recall. Federal regulations do not require many alternative medicine products be labeled for safety or effectiveness, but manufacturers are not allowed to make direct claims for health if there is no research to support the claim.
Alternative pharmacies often carry books, pamphlets for manufacturers, bulk teas, and health foods, in addition to the supplements they stock. Alternative pharmacies place an emphasis on an alternative way of pursuing health, stocking resources for those looking for a different way to cure their ailments beside conventional medicine.