Ways to Not Feel Fatigue
One of the most effective methods for not feeling fatigue is to prevent feeling tired. There are many reason people feel tired, but eating well, exercising and sleeping enough all help. Eating heavy meals or junk food can add to fatigue, but fruits and vegetables provide more energy. Consider a nutritious, balanced diet as the first route to prevention. Exercise can make a tired person feel more energy right away. In the long term, keeping active improves energy levels. Exercise for a half hour every day. Getting enough sleep is important to feeling energetic. Sleep at least eight hours a day. Finally, stress and anxiety lead to feelings of fatigue. Seek help for depression and anxiety.
Treat Conditions
Some medical conditions lead to fatigue. It's important to seek treatment and proper diagnosis for health problems. Report sudden feelings of fatigue to a doctor for screening and testing. Complete prescribed medications and treatments for health conditions to lessen your fatigue, if it's due to a medical condition. Some of the conditions that cause fatigue include thyroid problems, sleep disorders like sleep apnea or snoring, anemia, diabetes, cancer, depression, arthritis and chronic fatigue syndrome. Sometimes after treatment and control of these conditions, fatigue vanishes.
Other Alternatives
Acupuncture is sometimes used to treat fatigue. Find a qualified practitioner online or through a friend's recommendation and schedule an appointment. Be sure to mention feeling fatigue at the appointment. Not drinking enough water might make a person feel sluggish, so stay properly hydrated. Caffeine offers a temporary boast. In the long run, however, it can lead to more tiredness. Over-the-counter products like energy drinks and caffeine pills boost energy levels only in the short term.