Wheelchair Improvements
Wheelchair users in the early 21st century had many more choices of wheelchair styles and designs, thanks to decades of innovation to make wheelchairs more user-friendly and safe. Researchers continue to find ways to improve both manual and powered wheelchairs.-
Historically, manual wheelchairs came in a standard, bulky size with a steel frame that made them difficult for some users to maneuver. Also, old wheelchairs tended to be uncomfortable and less user friendly. Newer manual wheelchairs are more lightweight, ergonomically designed and made of composite materials that make it easier for a user to move around.
Powered Chairs
Some newer wheelchairs that use electric motors to power them have advanced controls for navigation and speed, depending on the user's activity.
Power Lift
Some newer powered wheelchairs are capable of providing standing assistance to the user. These wheelchairs use a powered lift to bring the user into a standing position.
Robotic Wheelchairs
In 2009, researchers at the Human Engineering Laboratories in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, were designing wheelchairs that used robotic technology to reduce wrist, elbow and shoulder injuries among wheelchair users. The robotic arms of the wheelchair would be capable of opening doors and retrieving objects.