How to Replace a Fractured Lens
Things You'll Need
- Flat head 1.4mm tip screwdriver
- Glasses frame
- New prescription lens
- Hot water
- Glass cleaner
- Soft cloth
Metal Frames With Screw
Find the screw holding the broken lens in place.
Loosen the screw with a screwdriver. Be careful not to take the screw out entirely as it is small, and you may misplace it. Simply loosen it enough so you can take the broken lens out.
Place the new lens inside the frame. Move it around until it sits firmly in the frame.
Hold the lens in place and tighten the screw with the screwdriver.
Repeat steps 1 to 4 if the lens is even slightly misaligned within the frame.
Clean the lenses with a soft cloth and glass cleaner.
Plastic Frame Without Screw
Push the broken lens gently. It should pop out without you having to apply a lot of pressure. Do not force the lens out or you could break the frame.
Warm the frame in hot water if the lens does not come out easily. Do not use boiling water or you may warp the frame.
Remove the frame from the water after a few minutes. Push gently against the broken lens. It should now pop out easily.
Place the new lens into the frame and pop it into place.
Return the frame to the hot water if the lens does not pop into place easily. After a few minutes, take the frame out and try again.