Different Tools Needed for Nursing Assistants
Nursing assistants commonly use a stethoscope to check a patient's blood pressure and vital signs. In most cases, a low-cost stethoscope is adequate for a nursing assistant but those nurses who perform duties in respiratory or cardiac specialties may require a more sensitive, high-quality stethoscope.
A watch is an essential tool for nursing assistants. The watch must contain a second hand to calculate pulse and other patient vitals. Some medical facilities prohibit the use of a watch containing cloth bands because the band may become contaminated. It is wise to purchase a watch that is waterproof, for a nursing assistant washes her hands often.
A nursing assistant's uniform typically consists of scrubs and comfortable shoes. Scrubs are specifically designed clothes for medical professionals. The colors and styles of a nursing assistant's uniform vary by work setting. Many medical facilities require nurses to wear white tennis shoes, for comfort and cleanliness.
Additional Tools
Depending on the facility, a nursing assistant may need other items to properly perform her duties. These items include a blood pressure cuff (sphygmomanometer), penlight, colored pens, bandage scissors, and a gait belt. A nursing assistant uses a penlight to check a patient's pupils and a gait belt to help patients to walk to the restroom or during physical therapy.