Preparation of Benzoin by Thiamine Catalysis
The Reaction
A benzoin condensation reaction involves the presence of a protein, an enzyme, a vitamin and a cofactor. A cofactor is a molecule that helps enzymes perform their tasks, such as initiating chemical reactions. It places the molecule that must be changed in a certain environment and within a specific structure. That placement allows the reaction to be completed in a short amount of time.
For decades, a laboratory in which benzoin's condensation took place had to have the chemical cyanide. Then, in the middle of the 20th century, scientists found that they could carry out the same reaction by using thiamine.
Catalysis Findings
By studying what takes place when thiamine catalyzes this particular condensation, biochemists are better able to understand the biochemical reaction that takes place within the human body. By gaining deeper insight into this enzymatic process, biochemists can better appreciate the roles of certain essential vitamins.