Tracheostomy Care Continuing Education
HCCS offers three continuing education courses for tracheostomy care. They are Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change and Artificial Airway Management, Weaning and Extubation and Airway Care.
The Tracheostomy Care, Tube Change and Artificial Airway Management focuses on airway care, such as cleaning and changing the inner cannula and maintaining the correct cuff pressure. You will also learn the correct methods for sterilization to keep the possibility of infection low. The Weaning and Extubation course teaches how to wean a patient off a ventilator as they become ready to breath on their own. The Airway Care course focuses on complication that may arise and how to correctly fix the problems.
Examinations and courses are taken on-line. The test results are generated immediately after completing the test. The continuing education certification of completion is printed from your computer as proof that you have taken and passed the course.