Laboratory Formulary Analysis
Pre-Marketing Control
The labs perform drug analysis needed for drug registration before the drugs are marketed. Prescription drugs are tested for safety and quality. The drug is tested for toxicity, and its ingredients are tested for purity. The prescribed dosage is also established while testing the drugs, as well as the information about possible interference with other drugs.
Post-Marketing Control
Drugs have to be scrupulously controlled after they have been released into the market. Samples from pharmacies, hospitals and manufacturers are tested for possible abuse, dilution and purity of ingredients. Sometimes even a small change in dosage or ingredient can cause an increased drug sensitivity or even be toxic to a client.
Quality Control
Every country has their own government sponsored or independent labs that test drugs. Most labs perform physiochemical testing to learn things about drug dissolution process, drug stability and decomposition, and physiochemical drug interactions and incompatibility. Substandard or poor quality drugs create a global problem, but are especially visible in developing countries.