How to Compare EMR Software

Electronic medical records (EMR) software allows medical providers to store patient records electronically. EMR systems offer a paperless solution to managing and organizing financial information, as well as taking care of administrative tasks within a medical office, such as scheduling appointments.
  1. Function

    • The Healthcare Information and Management Systems Society, (HIMSS) advises medical professionals to compare EMR systems based on the functions they need it to perform. Some EMR software simply store patient records, while others have more comprehensive features that include financial management and electronic prescription systems.


    • Attend demonstrations of the EMR software with the vendors. Clients can meet with vendors in person to test out the software, at which point they can determine whether the software is user-friendly, easy to navigate and effective for completing the necessary functions.

    Cost and Implementation

    • Compare the cost of EMR systems. Some are pricier than others that perform the same functions. Find out what the implementation time line is for installing the EMR software, as well as how much technical assistance is provided by the vendor to the client during implementation and throughout the lifetime of the product.

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