How to Donate Plasma in Champaign, Illinois
Review eligibility requirements for donating plasma. You must be between 18 and 65 years old and be a U.S. citizen with a Social Security card or have an immigration care issued by the INS. You also must weigh at least 110 pounds.
Hydrate yourself. Do not drink any alcohol within 24 hours of donating. Also, before donating, make sure to drink plenty of non-caffeinated fluids; water is recommended.
Eating a good meal within two hours before donating is recommended to keep your strength up. Try to make sure the food you eat isn't fatty; keep the meal healthy.
Relax. Don't do any strenuous exercise before you donate plasma.
Submit to a physical. If you are new to the donor process, Talecris will perform a physical to check your weight, blood pressure, pulse and temperature. The medical staff will also check your heart, lungs, reflexes, as well as your eyes, ears, nose and throat. All of your information will be kept confidential.
Donate your plasma. Allow the medical staff to take you through the motions of donating your plasma. The amount you can give is based on how much you weigh, and the process could take one to two hours.