Customer Service Tips for Nurses
Observe Other Nurses
Because bedside manner is not something that can necessarily be taught in the classroom, it's important to gain hands on experience. Observing other nurses who have been in the field for a while can be a valuable tool in learning how to appropriately treat patients. New nurses in particular should spend time watching how more experienced nurses interact with patients. It's one of the best ways to learn what types of behaviors patients respond well to and what makes them the most comfortable.
Speak in Simple Terms
While observing other nurse-patient interactions can be an invaluable lesson, it's important to remember that not all of these scenarios may be perfect. Even experienced nurses and clinicians can make the mistake of overusing medical terminology when speaking with patients, which often leads to the patient feeling confused or upset. So remember to keep it clear and simple, without coming off as condescending, when explaining a certain type of drug or condition. It may also be helpful to ask the patient if they have questions about anything you have mentioned.
Practice Common Courtesies
One of the easiest things you can do to maintain good bedside manner is to make eye contact with the patient and refer to her by name. Asking questions about her day and her personal habits will help her to feel comfortable and secure in the fact that you're concerned about her welfare. No matter how difficult of a day you might be having, you should always be polite and positive toward the patient. Discussing your own problems with her is not acceptable at work. Remember that your main priority as a nurse is to take care of your patients first.
Maintain a Professional Image
Bedside manner is not just about smiling and being friendly (although, those things certainly help) -- it encompasses every aspect of patient care and speaks to your overall professional image as a nurse. The main thing to remember when working with patients is that they want to feel safe and secure. They need to be able to trust you, and in order to build that trust it's important that you show concern for their particular situation.
Express Interest and Concern
When meeting with a patient, always remember to communicate with the same respect as you would one of your own family members. Try to show empathy through your words and actions, and offer support whenever you can. Even in situations where the patient is not the friendliest, you should maintain a personable tone and keep your defenses down. Answer his questions honestly, and show encouragement especially when his situation is bad.