How to Develop a Protocol
Determine the procedures and techniques that will be included within the protocol. Each type of health-care provider has a scope of practice that shows what procedures, techniques and care they are trained to perform on patients. A separate protocol is necessary for each type of health-care provider, giving instructions on how to perform only those activities allowed within that provider's scope of practice. Choose the procedures, techniques and type of care that the health-care providers will be allowed to perform. Compile a list that will act as an outline when you write the protocols.
Use the list of approved procedures, techniques and care to write a complete set of detailed, systematic instructions for all methods of care. Include how, when and where individual procedures and techniques are to be performed in the instructions. Exceptions and warnings should also be included within the instructions. Warnings, or contraindications, refer to signs that should tell the provider not to carry out specific procedures, treatments or care. Check the completed protocol for accuracy. Print copies of the protocols for each employee. Provide copies to be kept at the nurses' station and supervisor's office, where the instructions can be consulted when needed.
Advise all health-care providers of the implementation of the protocols. Hold a staff meeting to go over the protocols, giving employees the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the instructions prior to their use. This allows employees to practice, ask questions and address concerns they may have regarding the protocols. Administer a protocol exam to test the employees' knowledge of the protocols. Individual meetings can be held with employees who require further assistance in learning, using and following the protocols. Update protocols when new technological advancements occur or the national standards and requirements change. Remove all outdated protocols to prevent employees from using them.