What Are VA Benefits Determined By?
According to the Military website to be eligible for VA benefit's a veteran must have been discharged from military duty by any means except by dishonorable discharge. For disability benefits an injury or medical condition must have been caused or aggravated by military service. The Department of VA reports that to receive a VA pension a veteran must have served at least 90 days of military service, with at least one served in a wartime period.
VA pension benefits are totaled by judging the net worth of a veteran, according to the Department of VA. Each year the U.S. Congress sets a limit on earnings for veterans and dependents who are eligible for a VA pension. In 2010 a veteran with no dependents must have earned less than $11,830 per year, or for a veteran with one dependent the annual earnings limit is set at $15,943.
The Department of VA says the earnings and net worth of a veteran's dependents, including the spouse and children, are regarded as those available to the veteran. The net worth of a veteran and dependents includes bank accounts, stocks and bonds but does not include the residence and reasonable land owned by the veteran.