List of Organizations That Sponsor Organ Donation

Organ donation organizations help those that need an organ transplant in many ways. They help find donors, raise awareness about donation of organs and help patients that are either waiting for a donation or have received a donation. The organizations that sponsor organ donation help save lives every day with their work and efforts to raise awareness and funds for those in need.
  1. American Transplant Foundation

    • The American Transplant Foundation raises awareness of organ donation and teaches the differences between the facts and the myths regarding donating organs. It accepts donations of money to help raise awareness of general organ donation and transplants as well as helping patients. It focuses on donation of organs as a whole rather than specific organ donation.

    Transplant Living

    • Transplant Living is an organization that focuses on education and help during the organ transplant process. It provides information to families that are recently added to the list, those that are enduring the transplant process and life after an organ transplant. It accepts monetary donations to help continue the program. The program is primarily informational and educational in nature, providing information about general organ donation and transplants.

    Organ Donor

    • The Organ Donor organization is an organization that encourages donation of organs both for living donation and donation after death. It walks through the process of donation and those that are eligible to donate. It works to promote awareness of the risks associated with donation, how donation occurs and the options available for donating organs.

    Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Donor Program

    • The Wisconsin Organ and Tissue Donor Program is the program in Wisconsin that registers donors, helps sponsor transplants and donations, provides information about the donation process and encourages donation throughout the state of Wisconsin. There are similar programs for most states that work through the government rather than private organizations.

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