How to Receive a Donated Wheelchair and Accessible Vans
It can be difficult when you need something that's important to your quality of life but you don't have the means of receiving it. For instance, you may need a wheelchair or an accessible van, but you have no means to get them. There are ways to receive a donated wheelchair or an accessible van to help make your life easier. There are organizations that can arrange for a donated wheelchair or an accessible van to be delivered to your home. These organizations make it easier for you to get the supplies you need.Instructions
Contact organizations that supply medical aid to individuals and inquire about getting a wheelchair or accessible van. Ask your physician or health care provider to give you the names of organizations that can help you.
Fill out the request form for a wheelchair or an accessible van. For example, Chariots of Hope allows interested individuals to request a donated wheelchair using its online request form. Within the form you will include your name, address, health information and preferred wheelchair size. Click "Submit" to submit the request form. The organization will contact you for further information or when it has a wheelchair available.
Email a request form for an accessible van to the Special Kids Fund. The Special Kids Fund distributes accessible vans to individuals who are in need. Requests can be made for adults and children. Within the email you will include the type of accessible van you need, a description of the individual's disability, contact information and your financial need. The purpose of the request is to demonstrate that you don't have the means to afford an accessible van. Make requests by email only.