How to Use Spill Kits
Familiarize yourself with facility and universal precautions before using your spill kit, suggests IDC Medical's website. This will ensure that you and others are protected during cleanup.
Retrieve protective clothing from your spill kit and put it on over your clothing. According to the University of Kansas, spill kits include personal protective clothing that is disposable. Items include gloves, goggles and a paper gown to protect your clothing from cross-contamination.
Place your barrier agent around the edges of your spill. Some kits contain a powder known as a solidifier, while others may contain an absorbent pillow to stop chemicals and bodily fluids from increasing outside of their boundaries.
Place solidifier in an inward motion onto your spill, or use absorbent pillows on top of the spill depending on your spill kit. According to IDC Medical, both methods will absorb the spill, with powder causing it to become solid chunks.
Remove the solid material with a shovel or dustpan and dispose of it in the proper biohazard bags. This will ensure that chemicals and bodily fluids are not mixed with general garbage.
Wipe the area with additional absorbent towels to ensure that every bit of your spill is gone and disinfect with provided disinfectant. This will ensure all bacteria is dead.
Line your spill kit bucket with the provided liner and place your biohazard bags and towels into the bag. Also place your disposable protective clothing into the bucket and securely fasten the lid in place after tying the bag closed. Apply the warning label and call your local waste disposal center for removal of contaminated items.