How to Become a Medicaid Provider in Richmond, Virginia
Choose the type of service you will provide. Each service has a unique enrollment process described in an enrollment packet available on the website of Virginia Medicaid.
Comply with the licensing or certification requirements for the type of service you will provide. Each Medicaid provider must ensure that the personnel rendering service are duly licensed or certified in accordance with Virginia law. For example, baby care providers must provide evidence of registered nursing licences and registered dietitian qualifications approved by the Virginia Department of Health.
Apply for a National Provider Identifier Standard (NPI). The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services explains the process on its website. The application requires the provider name, mail-to and pay-to addresses, remittance advice address, eletronic funds transfer information and the Employer Identification Number for tax and Form 1099 purposes.
Complete the Virginia Medicaid provider enrollment packet and mail it to Virginia Medicaid Provider Enrollment Services, P.O. Box 26803, Richmond, VA 23261-6803 or fax it to 888-335-8476. If you have questions regarding enrollment, contact the enrollment center staff at 804-270-7027. The processing takes approximately 15 business days.