How to Calculate Risk Difference
Things You'll Need
- Control group
- Variable group
Form a control group and variable group to determine the risk difference of the experimental intervention. The risk difference will be determined by subtracting the risk of the control from the risk of the variable.
Calculate the risk for each group. This can be achieved by using a 2 by 2 box, which contains the following information for each group:
1) Event (still infected)
2) No event (still not infected)
3) Sum of the above two outcomes
Calculate the following ratios:
(Number of Event in variable/Number of Sum in variable) = risk in variable
(Number of Event in control/Number of Sum in control) = risk in control
Use the figures obtained in the previous step to calculate the risk difference. Use the following equation:
Risk difference = risk in variable -- risk in control
An outcome that is less than 0 indicates the experimental intervention lowers risk; an outcome greater than 0 means the intervention increases risk.