What Is a Fellow of the American Academy of Fellowship in Nursing?
The American Academy of Nursing (AAN) was established in 1973 under the American Nurses Association (ANA). As of 2010, the organization runs independently as an affiliate of ANA and focuses on reforming the health care system. Members of AAN are called "Fellows," with roughly 1,500 members.-
Acceptance as a Fellow is a high honor in the nursing industry. Only a select few are invited to join this prestigious group of nursing professionals. Candidates are selected by a 15 member Fellow Selection Committee. According to AAN, 80 percent of its Fellows have doctorates, while the remaining members hold masters.
Fellows of AAN work together to create a better health care system. They discuss ways to decrease the inconsistency of health care industry as well as creating a healthy medical environment that also includes mental and physical health care.
Living Legends
In 1994, AAN created a category called the Living Legends. This title is reserved for Fellows who have completed extraordinary work within the nursing industry, and who regular Fellows can look up to as a mentor. Candidates for this honor must have been an active Fellow for 15 years and must still be influencing the nursing profession.