Gag Gifts for Doctors
Disease Plush Dolls
A range of plush dolls shaped like disease organisms and other medical maladies are available and make the perfect gift for any physician that spends their days fighting serious illnesses. From anthrax to fat cells and from hepatitis to the common cold, these small and surprisingly cute little microbes are sure to leaven the rush-rush of any doctor's daily routine. A perfect fit for both a desk or a waiting room, these plush figures can serve to entertain children while they wait for that scary immunization or can serve as a much-needed stress reliever for any physician.
Prescription Cocktail Shaker
We all know that doctors face an immense amount of stress on the job, so a cocktail shaker is a perfect fit for any medical professional that needs to unwind after a long day of rounds and patient visits. Even better than your average martini shaker, though, a cocktail mixer shaped like a classic prescription bottle adds a bit of humor to that much needed post-work drink. Featuring a twist-off cap and a strainer, a prescription cocktail shaker also features a very detailed label featuring instructions and even hilarious dosage warnings such as "May Lower Inhibition" and "May Induce Vomiting."
Humorous Coffee Mug
Seemingly always in the midst of 12-hours shifts or long hours spent on call, our dedicated physicians and surgeons imbibe an inordinate amount of caffeine to stay sharp on the job. Buying them a coffee mug with a pointed and witty medical slogan will not only make them chuckle when they first open the package, but it's sure to put a smile on their face each time they take a sip of their brew of choice. Also a great device to put patients at ease, any doctor carrying a humorous mug projects to the world that they know that curing disease doesn't always have to be a somber business. Slogans vary from "Trust Me I'm a Doctor" to "Dermatology...All the Cool Kids Are Doing It," so there's sure to be a mug that fits the personality of your favorite doctor.