How Much Do Paramedical Examiners Earn?
Average Salary
As of October 2010, the average annual salary for a paramedical examiner in the United States was $31,000 according to SimplyHired.
Variations by Location
Average salaries can vary significantly by state. For example, as of October 2010 the average annual salary of a paramedical examiner in California was $35,000 or $4,000 higher than the national average. Conversely, the average salary in Arkansas was only $24,000 or $11,000 lower than the national average according to SimplyHired.
The main employer of paramedical examiner are paramedical companies. They are contracted by insurance companies to carry out health examinations of insurance applicants. An Internet search will yield dozens of results for national and local companies.
Skill Requirements
Qualifications to work as a paramedical examiner include phlebotomy (obtaining blood from a vein), taking vital signs, completing questionnaires and performing electrocardiograms. Many paramedical examiners received training as a nurse or licensed practical nurse (LPN) at hospitals and private colleges.