Nurses & Colon Hydrotherapy
The CTNF promotes safe, effective colon hydrotherapy. It requires practitioners to adhere to governmental regulations and to have a physician on staff to supervise treatment. Case management is handled primarily by registered nurses. The patient must be in satisfactory condition to tolerate the procedure. CTNF policies include a code of practice, colon therapy protocol, patient consent forms and standards for patient intake.
There are four levels of classification for CNTF-approved colon hydrotherapy practitioners. Level One includes physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants who can practice independently. Level Two includes registered nurses who must operate under standing orders or direct supervision from a physician or nurse practitioner. Level Three includes licensed practical nurses who perform services under the delegation of registered nurses. Level Four includes certified nursing assistants who must work under the supervision of registered nurses.
The CNTF requires practices to keep records of staff qualifications on premises. These records must be available for inspection by the CTNF at all times.
Expert Insight
According to Dr. Michael Picco of the Mayo Clinic, there is little scientific evidence to support colon cleansing as a beneficial procedure. Many medical professionals believe it is generally unnecessary and, at times, harmful.