How do I Monitor Clinical Alarms?
Evaluate the hospital's policies and procedures to ensure consistency with current practices. Ensure that the polices are up to date and still applicable to equipment currently used.
Read and analyze the user's guides for each piece of monitoring equipment. Some equipment is sold with the alarm defaulted to the the "off" position. Check all equipment to ensure that it is functioning and alarming properly.
Establish a protocol that outlines how frequently nursing staff should check each patient to ensure that monitor sensors are properly attached to the patient's skin. Some patients will remove sensors intentionally and sensors can become detached by patient movement, rendering the monitors useless.
Implement frequent training for medical staffing to outline the nuances of each piece of equipment and how to properly respond to each type of monitor alarm. Create a manual for each nurse's station that outlines the equipment specifics and alarm response protocol in writing. The manuals should be easily accessible by hospital medical staff.