How to Find a Civil Surgeon
Federal Resources
The U.S. Department of Homeland Security provides an online tool to locate civil surgeons in your area through its Citizenship and Immigration Services division. Check the USCIS website for a simple ZIP code search of nearby civil surgeons. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also provides links to the USCIS locator tool.
State Resources
Although the federal government oversees the civil surgeon corps, state health departments maintain directories of civil surgeons within the state. Check your local health department's website for directories, lists or search tools to find local civil surgeons.
Local Resources
Local governments of cities or counties with large populations of immigrants publish lists of city, county and nonprofit resources to help with immigration needs--including finding an area civil surgeon. Check local government websites as well as sites published by immigration-assistance foundations or charities.
Immigration Attorneys
Ask your immigration attorney for assistance. Because expert immigration lawyers understand the important role that civil surgeons play in obtaining legal residency, they frequently keep lists of civil surgeons with whom they have worked in the past.