Post Positivist Nursing Theory
Post-positivist Theory
Post-positivism is not only a nursing theory phenomenon, it is a more general theoretical, even philosophical, tendency. Positivism is a theoretical approach that emphasizes "objectivity," and it held sway in nursing theory until the 1960s. Post-positivism called the notion of "objectivity" into question with regard to observer bias not only in what is observed, but in selecting what is worthy of observation.
Question Hierarchies
Another key aspect of post-positivist theory in nursing is how it approaches the question of scientific certainty and medical protocols. Post-positivism accuses positivism of being linear, rigid, mechanical, even authoritarian. Academic disciplinary rigidity comes in for critique by post-positivists as well, who prefer an interdisciplinary and flexible approach to patient care.
Post-positivist nursing theory emphasizes a collaborative relationship between medical care providers and patients, and encourages patient-participation in developing plans for treatment and follow-up.
No Anti-science
Post-positivism is a critique of positivism, not a rejection of science. The scientific method is still held in the highest regard by post-positivists, who see themselves as positivism's reformers.