Information on Florida Nursing Program
Finding a School
The nursing program you apply to must be approved or accredited by the Florida Board of Nursing so that you don't waste time and money on a program that will not meet state requirements. A list of acceptable training programs is found on the Florida Department of Health website.
Nursing school curriculum is standardized in Florida. Each school should follow similar education plans for completion of its programs. Some of the courses a practical nurse course will cover are pharmacology, med/surg, cardiac, respiratory, anatomy and physiology. A registered nursing program will cover the same material as a practical nursing program but also include non-nursing prerequisites prior to admission into the program such as English, history, government and microbiology. All programs mandate at least a C average or higher to stay in the program and successfully complete them.
Completing the Program
After successfully completing your program, whether it is for practical nursing or registered nursing, you will be eligible to apply for testing. Your school should report your completion to the state and inform you when you may apply for testing.