Code of Conduct for Paramedics
Promote Health and Avoid Harm
A paramedic's chief responsibility is to use his skills and training to promote health and avoid harm. Paramedics are charged with helping anyone in need, regardless of personal prejudices. They must also work in tandem with other members of the medical community, such as physicians and nurses, to see that the patient is properly attended to.
Paramedics and the Law
The code of ethics states that even as private citizens, paramedics must uphold the law. As professionals, paramedics are expected to participate in any legislative process that affects emergency medical care. A paramedic must report other paramedics who engage in illegal or unethical procedures or practices, to the proper authorities.
The code of ethics emphasizes that the paramedic is a professional, who must maintain competence and uphold the highest standards of emergency care. Paramedics may not ask an untrained private citizen to perform a task that should be performed by an EMT or paramedic.