How to Find a Specific Doctor by Name
Search through national directories. Rely on national physician ratings sites such as UCompareHealthCare to search for a specific doctor by name; these sites provide multiple search tools to locate nearby doctors, including a tool that allows you to search by name. National medical associations such as the American Medical Association also provide search tools that let you find a specific doctor by typing in his name. Board certification organizations also allow you to search their certification rolls by physician name. Search results from national directories yield contact information, education and training history and medical specialty.
Check your state board of medicine. Every state board of medicine provides public directories of physicians who hold a medical license in that state; these directories are searchable online through the website of the state board of medicine. Medical boards offer a variety of tools to let you check the status of a licensed physician, including a simple name search. Medical board tools usually feature a home or office address, telephone and fax numbers and information about the doctor's education, training and any disciplinary actions.
Look at area hospitals and medical schools. Community hospitals, teaching hospitals, community clinics and medical schools usually post tools on their websites to allow patients to search for a physician practicing at the hospital. Use these tools to find a specific doctor through a name search. Most hospital search tools provide the office address, telephone number, types of patients seen and whether he is accepting new patients.