How to Donate Blood Plasma for Cash
Blood testing is done for several reasons. Schedule an appointment with your nearest plasma donation center. A blood test determines if your blood is healthy and safe for use. Potential donors might be required to take a survey, answer questions and have a physical. Prepare to bring two forms of identification. Some centers require more. A physical examination, complete medical history and testing for transmissible diseases is done to protect you and others receiving products made with plasma. The minimum age is 18 in most states and 19 in some states.
A lancet is used for a finger prick to get blood samples. Drink a lot of water the day before and day of donation. Drinking extra fluids makes the donation time faster. Avoid alcohol and caffeine. Spending two hours at the center for each donation is common. The plasma donation center compensates you for your time with cash.
A healthy diet is always a good choice. Eat a healthy well-balanced diet before donating. Eat high iron and protein foods and iron diet to help keep protein levels in your blood acceptable for donating. The center tests protein and hematocrit/hemoglobin levels in your blood each time before you donate. Avoid high fat foods like cheese, whole milk, hot dogs and fried foods.
Tattoos might cause ineligibility to donate plasma for a short time. Arrive for each appointment with the necessary identification and any other required papers. Tell them if you have spent time in Europe or gotten a tattoo or piercing in the last 12 months. Answer all questions honestly for everyone's safety and health, including your own.
Blood tests show components making up your blood content. Donate plasma up to twice in a seven-day period. Allow at least one day in between donations as it takes your body 24 to 48 hours to replenish its plasma. Continue with a well-balanced diet to ensure the ability to donate. If your blood test levels are not high enough in the proper areas, donation centers will not allow you to donate.