Ontario Extended Health Policies
EHB and EEHB benefits helps recipients pay for health-related costs when they have been on income assistance but no longer qualify. Applicants must verify their health costs by providing documentation such as receipts or written estimates.
An extended health policy contains several pieces of identification, including the insured member, coverage type, deductible amount and effective dates of the plan. More specific information includes benefits and exclusions of a policy, which drugs the policy covers, hospital expenses, medical services and nursing coverage.
To be eligible for EHB, recipients must have received income assistance the previous month before EHB eligibility but are no longer eligible for income assistance due to employment or other sources of income. According to the Ontario Works Policy Directives, if their health expenses are higher than the difference between earned income and the amount of income assistance they were receiving, they remain eligible for EHB. To be eligible for EEHB, a person has to become ineligible for income assistance and does not qualify for EHB. This assistance is available for six months with a chance for a six-month extension under certain instances, such as if benefits are not provided under an employer's health plan.