How Much Do Neurologists Make Per Visit?

A neurologist is a physician specializing in the brain and nervous system. A neurologist deals with patients with head injuries, migraines and diseases affecting the nervous system such as spina bifida and menigitis or disorders such as ADHD.
  1. Considerations

    • A number of factors affect a neurologist's salary, such as location. For example, Florida, Texas and Kentucky have high neurologist salaries, according to the website PayScale. Those working in private practice earn more than those employed by hospitals. Pediatric neurologists earn more than general neurologists, and of course neurologists with more experience earn higher pay.


    • The median hourly salary for a neurologist is $85.85 an hour, reports the website Healthcaresalaryonline. This would correspond roughly to one patient visit. However, different patients have different time requirements depending on the reasons for the visit.


    • A typical annual salary range for neurologists is between $124,000 and just over $220,000, according to 2010 data reported by PayScale.

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