Wellness Specialist Certification
A wellness professional can obtain the Certified Wellness Practitioner (CWP) certificate, a professional certificate offered by the National Wellness Institute, after completing a related course of study at an accredited program. Those who gain experience in the wellness field prior to applying for certification attain the highest number of experience-based points.
The CWP certification should be completed within 24 months of graduating from an accredited wellness academic program, such as the National Wellness Institute. Applicants must include transcripts, resume, personal statement, fees and other required documents. They should thoroughly document experience in academics, wellness program delivery, leadership and continuing education to attain the highest number of qualifying points for certification.
To maintain CWP certification after five years, specialists must document at least 50 hours of continuing education credits. They must re-certify for accreditation every five years to maintain their CWP designation.