How to Compare the U.S. Healthcare System with Other Countries'
Go to the library and check out books on health-care policy. Select books that are scholarly in nature, and avoid those that have a particular political bent. In lieu of the library, you can also download or order books online.
Visit government-run health-care websites, both for the United States and other countries. Look up the website's statistics, and locate salient facts such as the payment system (single payer, government subsidy, for-profit, etc.) and prescription drug prices, among other points. This will give you a good feel for the various health-care policies in different nations, and how they compare to the United States.
After reading the books and websites, write down a list of various countries' health-care system's key points, such as cost, innovation, number of hospitals, response time, access and waiting-list time. Start with the United States, and then list at least five developed countries and the key health-care policy points of each.
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