Government Grants for Nursing Research
The National League for Nursing
The National League for Nursing supports nursing education research grants with an average of $5,000 per award. The NLN encourages individuals and teams to apply. Priority is given to teams that pair new researches with experienced investigators in order to facilitate mentorship. Proposals are accepted online in Microsoft Word format. The proposal must compliment the vision and priorities of NLN, which include diversity and innovation. Extensive criteria, provided in the Comprehensive Proposal outline, include a title page, the body of proposal, a budget, references and appendices. The award covers, among other allowable expenses, staff costs, printing, travel and dissemination of findings. Expenses not covered by the grant include overhead costs, durable equipment and salaries for the principal investigator and co-investigators.
The National League for Nursing
61 Broadway
33rd Floor
New York, NY 10006
The National Institute Nursing Research
The National Institute Nursing Research accepts proposals on an ongoing basis. Funding opportunities are available for clinical and basic research. The NINR also provides comprehensive research training and staff guidance throughout the grant application process. Two grant opportunities are offered: the Intramural Program and the Extramural Program. The NINR conducts research and training for the Intramural Program at the National Institute of Health campus.The Extramural Program, conducted off-campus, accepts unsolicited applications in addition to responses to published Requests for Applications.
National Institute of Nursing Research
National Institutes of Health
31 Center Drive
Bethesda, Maryland 20892
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, in alliance with the National Institutes of Health, sponsors nursing research through grants and other funding opportunities. The AHRQ focuses on research that affects new developments in practice and policy. Four areas of research are included in the grant program: Health Care Quality and Effectiveness Research, Health Care Technology and Decision Sciences, Health Systems Research and Health Research Dissemination and Implementation. All grant proposals should focus on one or more of the priority populations: low-income groups, women, children, the elderly and other designated population groups.
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
540 Gaither Rd.
Suite 2000
Rockville, MD 20850