Patient Information & Confidentiality

By now we have all noted that our health care providers are no longer recording our patient information in a hand-held medical chart. New health information technology has replaced the paper chart with an electronic health record. With this new technology, we all want to know that our patient information is still confidential and secure.
  1. What is an Electronic Health Record?

    • An electronic health record is a computerized paperless system for healthcare providers and staff to document, review, retrieve and use patient information for evaluation, diagnosis and treatment. The electronic health record has been used in hospitals since 1960's. In 1999, the Palo Alto Medical Foundation was one of the first physician groups to add new features and implement the electronic health record system to improve quality of medical care and safety for patients. Palo Alto Medical Center is widely recognized among health care entities to be on the forefront of health information technology.

    The Privacy Rule

    • The federal government's Privacy Rule under HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996) protects patient information whether on a paper chart or in an electronic health record. The Privacy Rule specifies how health-care entities can use a patient's health information and puts limitations on who receives patient's health information. All medical information, including billing, is covered under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. All health-care providers, health insurance plans and other health entities must follow HIPAA Privacy Rules.

    The Security Rule

    • After more health-care providers started changing to an electronic health record system, the federal government saw a need to ensure that electronic health information is confidential and secure. In 2006, the HIPAA Privacy Rule was amended to include regulations for protecting electronically created, received, maintained or transmitted health information. The law requires that health-care entities have policies and procedures and other safeguards in place to ensure "electronic protected health information." For details about HIPAA's Privacy and Security Rule, click on the consumer link in the resource section.

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