The Average Salary of a Radiation Oncologist
Average Salary Figures
According to a 2010 survey of radiation oncologists by the Association of American Medical Colleges, the average salary for a radiation oncologist ranges from $242,900 per year to $518,900 per year.
Factors Influencing Salaries
A number of important factors influence how much a radiation oncologist can earn. Years of experience, geographic location and hospital budgets all play a role in determining salaries. Salary figures do not include benefits such as health insurance, retirement plans and student loan repayment, all of which can make the actual earning figure much higher.
Training and Prospects for Radiation Oncologists
Radiation oncologists have a residency training period of five years. They spend one year of residency in general family practice, pediatrics, surgery or internal medicine and four years training in radiation oncology. Radiation oncologists are also specially trained in hospice and palliative care to help patients deal with end-of-life issues.
Radiation oncology is a competitive specialty. There are far more candidates than there are open positions.