How to Calculate Red Cell Indices
Things You'll Need
- Blood sample
- Cell count
- Hemocrit and hemoglobin values (available after CBC is completed, usually)
Take the volume of the packed cells (hemocrit) per 1000 ml of the blood sample and divide it by the red blood cell count of the sample in millions off cells per ml to determine the MCV. This will provide the result in fl (femtoliters).
Calculate the MCH by dividing the hemoglobin level in the sample (as grams per 1000 ml) by the by the red blood cell count of the sample in millions off cells per ml. This will give the MCH in pg (picograms)/cell.
Find the MCHC by taking the hemoglobin level in the sample (as grams per 1000 ml) and divide by the the volume of the packed cells (hemocrit) per 1000 ml of the blood sample. This gives the MCHC in terms of a percentage.