Independent Medical Education Grants
Genentech, a biotechnology company, offers grants through the Independent Medical Education Department. The program's purpose is to "contribute to the enhancement of the medical community's ability to care for patients," according to the Genentech website. Funding preference is given to certain medical areas of study including acute ischemic stroke, cardiometabolics, diabetes, immunology, oncology, opthamology, pulmonology, hemodialysis and virology. Physicians, pharmacists, nurses, case managers and medical directors are eligible to apply.
1 DNA Way
San Francisco, CA 94080
Astra Zeneca
Astra Zeneca, a pharmaceutical company, provides independent medical education grants through its Medical Education Grants Office. Specific areas of medical study are eligible, including cardiovascular, endocrinology, gastroenterology, primary care, psychiatry, multicultural health, oncology and neurology. Grants fund educational programs such as training, symposia, courses and conferences. Grant awards generally range from $10,000 to $25,000. Applications must be submitted at least 45 days before the program start date.
Astra Zeneca
Medical Education Grants Office
1800 Concord Pike
Wilmington, DE 19803
Celgene Corporation
The Celgene Corporation, a pharmaceutical manufacturer, offers funding for independent education through its Medical Education Grants program. To qualify, medical training programs must be "independent, objective, balanced and scientifically rigorous," according to grant guidelines. Additionally, all grants must adhere to specific standards, including FDA guidance on industry-supported educational activities, Office of Inspector General Guidelines, and the American Medical Association's Ethical Guidelines for Gifts to Physicians from Industry. Funding preference is given to accredited programs. Funds can be used for grand rounds, conferences, meetings and instructional materials.
Celegene Corporation
Educational Grants Coordinator
9900 W 109th Street
Suite 300
Overland Park, KS 66210
MedImmune, a biotechnology company, offers grants for independent medical education. To qualify, programs must meet the ""Standards for Commercial Support for Continuing Medical Education" issued by the Accreditation Counsel for Continuing Medical Education," according to the MedImmune website. Eligible educational areas include the diagnosis and treatment of pediatric viral respiratory diseases, such as influenza, and treatments that prolong the life of premature infants. Pediatricians, neonatalogists, pharmacists and nurse practitioners can apply for funding. Grant applications must be submitted at least six weeks before the educational event takes place.
MedImmune, LLC.
One MedImmune Way
Gaithersburg, MD 20878