How to Transport a Power Wheelchair
Things You'll Need
- Wheelchair ramp
- Wheelchair lift
- Bolts (optional)
Choose the appropriate method for transporting your power wheelchair. To transport your power chair over a few steps or into a vehicle yourself, choose a wheelchair ramp. For transporting up a staircase without assistance, use a wheelchair lift.
Place the wheelchair ramp over the steps or onto the vehicle you want to transport your power wheelchair over or into. Make sure the ramp is secure at the top and bottom. Portable ramps used for this purpose usually have nonslip surfaces that make them easy to set up and take down. If you are disabled, you will need assistance for this step.
Assemble your wheelchair lift if you have decided on this option. Most wheelchair lifts come in just a few pieces that can be easily hooked together.
Anchor your wheelchair lift to the base, which is usually made of concrete or wood. You may need to secure the lift by using bolts. Plug in the lift to turn on the power.
Place the power wheelchair at the bottom of the ramp or lift. If you chose a ramp, you can now simply move your wheelchair up the ramp, which will take you over stairs or into your vehicle. If you chose a lift, the power wheelchair will need to be placed onto the lift before it can be transported to the top of the flight of stairs.