Grants for Non-Profit Health Clinics
New Access Points Grants
New Access Points Grants are available to nonprofit organizations that will be offering primary health care to needy populations. The organizations must also provide access to mental and dental health care. Applicants may or may not be existing grantees to be eligible.
Service Expansion Grants
Existing grantees only are eligible for the Service Expansion Grants. Nonprofit health clinics must already be providing primary care services and desire to branch out into specialized areas of medicine. These areas can include, but are not limited to, substance abuse, dental health care, mental health services, pharmacy and services for special populations.
Expanded Medical Capacity Grants
Existing grantees only are eligible for the Expanded Medical Capacity Grants. Organizations must be nonprofit with a desire to increase their serviced population. Funding covers such things as increasing hours of operation, opening new facilities and increasing health services.
Service Area Competition Grants
The Service Area Competition Grants are available to nonprofit organizations that may or may not be receiving government grants. An applicant must provide documentation to support statements that the clinic is best suited to serve its population. An applicant must also reside in a location that is already being served by a Section 330-funded nonprofit health clinic.