What Are the Benefits of a Medical Card?
Medical Coverage
A medical card allows a cardholder access to his province's health plan to obtain services at reduced rates or free of charge. Provincial health plans offer various benefits including many types of surgery, hospital care, X-rays, laboratory tests and immunizations, but a cardholder cannot take advantage of most coverage without first presenting his medical card. Cardholders may also receive partial payment coverage for prescription drugs and assisting devices, but cannot use the card to pay for unnecessary medical services such as cosmetic surgery. In most provinces, citizens can apply for a medical card immediately upon taking up residence. British Columbia, Ontario and New Brunswick have a three-month waiting period.
Each province in Canada has a medical card unique to its plan, but you do not need a different health card specific to each province. All provinces--except Quebec--have signed an Interprovincial Reciprocal Billing Agreement, which allows you to use your health card when traveling to any other province. If you need medical attention, present your card to the medical provider. He will provide you with health care and make a claim for reimbursement to your native province. Travelers to Quebec who receive health care in that province must submit a claim for medical services to the Medical Care Plan for reimbursement.
Photo Identification
Many locations accept medical cards as valid photo ID, as long as the card has the owner's photograph and personal information on it, including date of birth. Not all medical cards have this information. A cardholder can use his card to prove his identity at hospitals and medical clinics, government offices, airports or as proof of age when purchasing alcohol or entering bars and pubs. As government-issued identification, a cardholder can also use medical cards without photographs as proof of identity, but may also have to present a second piece of government-issued ID. Medical cards also have the signature of the cardholder on the back as further proof of identification.