How to Evaluate Nursing Students for Progression
Establish a time frame. Draw up a list of essential nursing concepts that students must master before graduating from nursing school. Note which classes students take and when they must take them. Make a list of ideas that are taught each semester. Require students to learn specific information as each term comes to a close.
Create a set of standards that all student nurses must meet. Once students graduate from nursing school, they are required to pass state licensing exams to apply for a nursing job. The NCLEX or National Counsel Licensure Exam is a multiple choice exam. The exam asks candidates to demonstrate specific knowledge of subjects such as safety and infection control, reduction of risk potential and psychosocial integrity. All students should be able to demonstrate they've learned the material pertaining to the exam as their studies progress.
Test a student's basic knowledge. After a year of nursing classes all students should have a basic understanding of certain specific nursing concepts. Students should be familiar with concepts such as maintaining a sterile field, calculating a specific dosage of medication, and human psychology and anatomy. Have all students take a test to determine how well they've mastered these concepts. Students who fail to demonstrate mastery in specific subjects should be offered remedial help to catch up.
Measure a student's practical abilities. After nursing students have completed their class work, they must complete a term of the job training known as clinical education. During clinical education students practice skills such as changing bandages and inserting intravenous lines into a patient's vein. Nursing students should be asked each week to demonstrate their ability to perform certain specific procedures. As the term progresses all students should be able to manage all necessary procedures without referring to a textbook. Students who make mistakes should be given remediation.