How do I Deal With Alcohol Rehabilitation?
Admit that you drink too much and have a problem controlling your drinking. This is the first step in the battle against your alcohol addiction. Learn to identify the signs that you drink too much. If you feel that you have to drink alcohol all the time in order to function, you may have an alcohol problem.
Discuss your alcohol problem with your doctor and ask if they can recommend any counselors. Talk to your family and inform them that you realize you need to rehabilitate from alcohol abuse.
Remove all alcohol from your home and do not purchase any more. According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, you may experience withdrawal symptoms such as feeling jumpy and nervous, anxiety, bad dreams, headaches and stomach reactions to not drinking alcohol.
Consult your doctor and check into a rehabilitation center if the doctor feels it is the best course of action for you. An alcohol rehabilitation center will provide therapeutic sessions and assist you in combating alcohol during your rehabilitation period.
Inform your boss or the human resources department at your work that you will need time off to attend the rehabilitation center. Give the workplace a doctor's note if they require it. Ask them to keep your condition confidential.
Join groups that cater to recovering alcoholics. Alcoholics Anonymous is a foundation that helps to support recovering alcoholics. Support groups will assist you as you rehabilitate from alcohol abuse.