Athletic Training Issues
Dealing with Various Athletes
Athletic training involves treating a broad range of athletes in various age groups and professions with different health needs. Trainers provide injury prevention, assessment, immediate emergency care and injury rehabilitation for injuries that result from physical activity. Some clients and patients that undergo athletic training programs include professional and semi-professional athletes, students, blue-collar and white-collar workers.
Spinal Injuries
Many sports put athletes at risk for spinal injuries, and football is the most common sport for spinal injuries, according to the "Pittsburg Post-Gazette." Other such sports include skiing, rugby, gymnastics, swimming, pole vaulting and cheerleading. Athletic trainers are the primary responders to injuries that occur on the field or during sporting activities and must understand the physiology and equipment to assess cervical spine injuries.
Governments all around the world regulate professional athletic training. Governments may require college education and experience in the field. Some national organizations provide self-regulation with educational and certification standards, such as the National Athletic Trainers Association in the United States. In the United States, athletic trainers must meet professional licensing requirements that are set by individual state governments.
Risk Management
Athletic training involves recognizing reducing risks such as dangerous field conditions and equipment. Additional risks include environmental conditions and existing patient or client injuries. Athletic trainers assess athletes with various health examinations. These trainers must ensure that diagnostic and monitoring equipment is fully functional. Athletic trainers reduce liability risks by keeping accurate records of patient conditions and progress, following physician directions closely or operating under a physician's supervision.
Athletic training is subject to malpractice legal issues. Athletic trainers face malpractice suites by allowing an athlete to play a sport when the athlete is not medically qualified to play. Malpractice occurs when there is no ambulance or qualified medical personnel present at sporting events or no defined medical response action plan. Athletic trainers commit malpractice by failing to identify a condition, or inadequately examining an athlete after an injury. Malpractice applies to any trainer that practices without approved regional education, certifications or licensees.