Myths About Universal Healthcare
Universal health care is cheaper than the current system. Universal health care is going to break citizens that work.
According to the Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care universal health care will save the federal government 100-200 billion dollars a year and it will save states one to two billion dollars a year. Currently, the United States spends 40 percent more than other industrialized nations with universal health care.
No more insurance specified hospitals or doctors office destinations. Universal health care will limit services and availability.
Actually, universal health care will make services available to everyone regardless of income and ability to pay. According to the Connecticut Coalition for Universal Health Care citizens are allowed more doctor visits and hospital days under a universal system as opposed to the current system. The availability of services will improve for all citizens as the US has an abundance of nurses and doctors working in the health care system.
Hospitals are still public facilities and businesses. Government health care means government will dictate and run the health care industry. Such a plan is taking the rights out of the citizens hands.
Another false myth. The truth is that under such a system the plan is not to implement how to help people: it's just a payment method to ensure everyone gets helped. The government is not employing the doctors and nurses.
If citizens can not trust the government then who? Can citizens really trust the government to implement a fair health care system and do what is right for citizens?
The answer is yes according to Vanderbilt's Orbis newspaper, which recommends looking at the current systems in place for citizens: Social Security, Medicaid, Police, and other public services. Even though at times the government thinks it is doing best for its citizens, the concept of a universal health care plan will benefit all citizens.