Healthcare Marketing Techniques for Television
Define a medium. There are traditionally two types of TV advertising: short commercials, those that play in between scheduled entertainment programs; and infomercials, longer, 30 minute to 1 hour commercials that are structured like a show, in which an advertiser buys air time to promote their product. Some health care products lend themselves to both, or one of these mediums. The key question to ask when deciding which format to use is, "Can I explain my product in 30 seconds or less, or could I easily fill up a half hour with content?'. Many advertisers choose to produce both formats. However, producing an infomercial is typically more expensive.
Write down the pitch. Collect and organize all product information, marketing/sales papers and market research. Define the key points that must be included in the commercial. For example, there may be studies that link the product to a certain health benefit, but it would not be time efficient to name all of them. Instead, mention that "numerous medical studies conducted at/by .... link product XYZ to increased health..."
Brainstorm a concept. A concept is the story of the commercial. The concept should naturally incorporate all the product information without seeming pushy or too informational. For example, a private skin clinic may choose a concept that follows the life of a young woman. The woman may notice a skin problem, find out about the clinic, research the clinic, come for a consultation, be treated and leave happy. During this process a voice-over may outline features of the clinic, services provided and credentials of the doctors working there.
Always sell the benefits. The problem/solution method works well for television commercials. Viewers may not feel they have a problem or that their health concern is important. Advertisers can build up the problem by discussing the risks of a health condition and consequences that can occur when treatment is not received. Advertisers can then offer the solution to the problem by presenting their product and demonstrating how well it works.